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Purchase & Support
To make it convenient for customers to obtain our high-quality skincare products, we provide multiple purchase channels, including online and offline:
Online Purchase:
You can easily purchase our products on our official website, as well as on our official Taobao, Tmall, TikTok, Xiaohongshu, and Kuaishou channel accounts. By visiting our official channels, you will be able to browse our complete product series and learn about the detailed information and features of each product. Our website provides secure online payment methods to ensure your shopping process is safe and convenient.
Offline Experience Stores:
We are on the verge of establishing offline experience stores in various locations, where you can personally visit to select and purchase products. Within these stores, you will have the opportunity to try out the products firsthand, familiarizing yourself with their textures and ingredients, while receiving expert guidance and recommendations from our staff. If you enjoy experiencing shopping in physical stores, our offline experience stores will be the perfect choice.